● The D-MIC is a fitted in the motor μControllerD-MIC
● It supplies the Deutronic D-Sinus Motor Controller with motor specific data and measures motor temperature
● All values can be read out
● via Serial Single Wire Communication
● D-Sinus motor controllers are state of the art sinusoidal commutated speed controllers. This commutating principle regulates motor current to a sine wave. This is done to ensure an ideal and highly effective motor control.

● Integrated current monitoring prevents the motor “overrunning”. The main benefits of sinusoidal commutated speed controllers compared with block commutation are significantly smoother motor running and less motor warming.
● As an overview there follows a short description of block and sinusoidal commutation:
● Block commutation:
● Motor with n pole pairs (positioned at 60°/n exactly known; commutation every 60°/n).
● Block-shaped phase current (torque ripple, vibrations, hum)
● Blockcommutation with or without Hall sensors is characterized by an abrupt switching of the motor current every 60° (or after every 60°/n).

● Sinusoidal commutation:
● Sinusoidal phase currents (120° phase displacement, similar to synchronous motors with variable frequency, no torque ripple, high synchronism, high starting torque).
● High synchronism is achieved by gradually aligning the phase currents.
● Increased efficiency due to sinusoidal current waveform, created torque is constant in contrast to block commutation.